Meet Your Practitioner

How To Find The Right Practitioner For You

Cynthia Higgins MD


It is my absolute pleasure to help you live your most authentic and abundant life! When what we do, how we think and how we interact aligns with our core values, remarkable transformations are possible. Our career, our relationships, our health and finances become rich experiences we thoroughly enjoy.

There are times however, when we are under so much pressure and become so consumed with the details in our lives, we actually ‘miss the mark’. We find that we have fallen short of our goals. Sometimes we begin to question our skills or our worthiness. Whether the dream was ever attainable in the first place becomes the question our logical mind may use to explain the discrepancy between our deepest desires and the lives we actually lead. In times like this, we need is a balanced, integrative approach to reclaim our personal power and manifest our vision. I couldn’t be more pleased with how the Healing Angel Protocol™ has helped to do this.

I entered medicine with a degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and, outside of my own spirituality, a fundamental belief that I could only trust what could be scientifically proven. It seemed however, that I was destined to take part in a revolution of medical thought: interactions with my patients and my responses to issues taking place in my life brought me progressively closer to trusting what was in my heart. I began to attract to my practice populations of people seeking to access, and live a deeper truth than what the world expected of them. They were people hungry to bring their skills and passions out into an environment that unfortunately, judged them for their diagnosis or assumed that simply because they had one, the achievements of their lives would be limited. I disagreed with this misconception on the deepest level and found it increasingly difficult to continue to eliminate the role of belief in the cause and outcome of medical issues. To make matters worse, I had discovered I was an intuitive adrift in a sea that only had room for medical logic.

Fortunately, Epigenetics is a branch of medicine known as Energy Psychology, supporting the role of cellular memory. It scientifically illustrates the impact of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs upon our wellbeing. Suddenly, those mystical experiences about which our society is so ambivalent could no longer be relegated as insignificant.


As liberating as that discovery, it was the Healing Angel Protocol™, which utilizes Epigenetic concepts, that gave me the confidence to step boldly into the light and embrace my skills as a clairvoyant and a physician. I now know that my best legacy and impact upon others lies in the integration of both. I live a passionate and satisfying life because I am free to be who I am. With this empowering decision, I no longer need to experience the “obstacles’ that were occurring in order for me to rethink my life’s work or identity.


One of the greatest factors influencing the miracles in our lives is how deeply we can dream and how willing we are to allow those dreams to manifest. If you are experiencing repetitive and unpleasant patterns in your love life, career or health or if you want to take yourself to the next level of achievement and are struggling to do so, it is likely that there are cellular memory imprints creating unconscious resistance to the very thing you desire most. The Healing Angel Protocol™ can help identify and release them, gracefully and painlessly. It works with the creative potential that already exists inside you. It connects you to a level of unbelievable support and personal mastery.


Book an appointment with me. The distance between you and your goals is much shorter than you think!