Meet Your Practitioner

Meet Your Practitioner

How To Find The Right Practitioner For You

Grace Evergreen
People and Animal Practitioner


I can help you reconnect to that deep part of yourself that you feel may be lost and find freedom in reconnecting your inner essence and authentic self with your outer self with compassion, empathy and most of all love.

This is exactly how The Healing Angel Protocol™ has helped me! I have been struggling with owning my gifts, stepping into my power, being in the public eye, and biggest of all finding love and compassion from within myself. That felt like a lot of struggle. HAP™ began helping me peel back layer by layer of all the roles I was playing, the masks I wore and helped me find my innocence. I have become more direct with friends and family with my needs (recovering people pleaser here!). I have found courage in seeking the roots of outdated belief systems that prevent my abundance. It has helped me create a great support system on all levels and reminding me of how much I deserve that support. Biggest of all it has taught me how to be open to the love and help and support that is abundant around all of me (it’s available for all of us!). For me HAP™ is my co-pilot. I keep returning to it, not only for my clients, but for myself. We are all human and when I finally accepted that, I learned how to be softer, gentler with my discoveries about myself. It has helped me say “why not?” when my brain says I can’t. It has given me FREEDOM in owning my power, my light and the unconditional love.

I’ve worked as a Reiki master for many years. In 2015, I received the biggest calling to move west and to Sedona (I had never been there before!). I felt in my heart that there was more out there, to learn and heal. In 2018, I became an IET™ Master/Instructor. Part of me felt I had part of what I sought, but not the whole answer. Then my mentor Phoenix Rising Star invited me to an angel workshop. She had debuted the HAP™ and I knew I was going to take it and continue to for all levels until there were no more. My life has not been the same since. I have a bigger connection with myself and the world AND my angels! I am more confident in what I do. I have that sense of knowing rather than questioning everything. I have opened my energy to the possibilities that I can’t even think of. Biggest of all, I am becoming an ally with myself, rather than convincing myself to stay small. I’m recreating my life how I want it to be, not the way circumstances have dictated. I have found Freedom!

It Can Be Done Over The Phone, Through Zoom Or In Person If You Are Near vancouver, wA Area! It Will Be An Honor To Serve You