Meet Your Practitioner

How To Find The Right Practitioner For You

Karen Crehan Sayago.
People and Animal Practitioner


I would love to help you let go of what is holding you back so you remember the nature of your true and amazing self.

Anything that is held within your energy body will eventually affect your physical body.   Release what you don’t need so you can rediscover the light energy that you truly are.

I realized that I had shut down a lot of my energy in order to survive a life that didn’t align with my soul purpose.  I found I couldn’t thrive. Life became a struggle.

Moving upstate NY helped me connect with nature and began a healing process. I started believing in our connectedness with the universe and asked the angels and guides for help. I was guided to learn many energy healing modalities. I became a Reiki master. I communicate with the nature angels.  

Healing with nature made me open again to feeling energy. It also opened my clairvoyance so I am able to see the energy work that is being done. When I was guided to the Healing Angel Protocol™, I knew this was the energy work I really wanted to do, working from a place of unconditional love, and asking for the highest and best to come to the recipient for what they need the most!  It is a very powerful energy healing session. It opened me to the greater possibilities that it truly offers!

Healing works on many levels depending on where you are in your journey. Some of the energies can be cleared quickly and easily. Other times, it can go much deeper and seem to take longer. It’s all a personal journey, and I’d be honored to help you with yours.